Father Daughter Ball with Campus Life Family Ministries

Campus Life Family Ministries understands and celebrates the importance of an involved father, which is why for the last 15 years, we have hosted the Father Daughter Ball.

What is the Father Daughter Ball you might be asking? It is an evening of exquisite decorations, wonderful food, inspirational communication, and dancing. The magical night might sound like something out of a fairy tale, and some of our guests may say it feels like it, but there is nothing make-believe about the importance of the father daughter bond that is celebrated during this event. When you step into the ballroom, you are welcomed with beautiful, themed decorations that set the mood for the evening. It is an impactful night for the fathers and daughters of our community who get to spend quality time together fostering their relationship and creating memories that last a lifetime.
If you are looking for something special to do with your daughter(s), then this is the event for you to attend! It does not matter how old or young you are, you are all welcome. That’s what makes this night so special! The generational combination of fathers and daughters is inspiring and encouraging. Many of our guests have been making this an annual tradition. Why don’t you join us in this tradition and bring your daughter out for this special evening? Show her how much she means to you and how much you value your relationship with her by setting this evening aside for just the two of you to enjoy and create memories. If you are a daughter and you no longer have a present father, you may still attend with another father-figure that is in your life. We want to celebrate the importance of this relationship as well. Fortunately, the Father Daughter Ball gives dads and daughters a chance to get dressed-up and spend a splendid, uninterrupted evening of fun together.
Does this sound like just the perfect night for you? Then join us for the 2025 Father Daughter Ball held on February 7th and 8th at Blue Harbor Resort. This is a ticketed event, so head on over to our website at www.gocampuslife.com/FDB to purchase your tickets. Do not delay because the deadline for securing your tickets is Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Want to make this a whole family event? Well, you can by booking a room at Blue Harbor for a special rate, so the rest of your family can enjoy the resort and water park while you are at the Ball. See more details on our website about this amazing offer, but the deadline for booking a room is Tuesday, January 7th.
We look forward to seeing you there! Fathers and daughters, do not miss out on this amazing night of fun and fellowship. Join us for this event; it will be a night you will never forget. Order your tickets today before they are all SOLD OUT!
Father Daughter Ball 2024
*If you believe in the mission as much as we do and you would like to help support Campus Life in this endeavor, see the sponsorship section on our website at www.gocampuslife.com/FDB for more details.