Jenna K. Provance, PA-C


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1 Reviews on “Jenna K. Provance, PA-C”

Overall rating
  • I Started seeing Jenna for pain I was having in my neck and arm/shoulder Ultimately resulting in me having an MRI. I also had gotten an X-ray of my shoulder. At my follow-up appt for my results Jenna did not just tell me what was wrong but she pulled up my MRI and X-ray results on the screen and she showed them to me as we reviewed the results together. She explained what I was looking at and pointed out what may be causing my pain and discomfort. She laid out all the possible routes we could take to manage the pain as we try to correct the problem. She listened to my thoughts as to what I know helps, what I think may help and she was very open to my thoughts and ideas. She also gave me very detailed answers to all my questions. I feel like she is very dedicated to helping others with all thoughts and ideas considered. I highly recommend her if you are looking for a Doctor you can trust.

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