Don’t Do This to Your Corn Roast This Memorial Day Weekend

Photograph of Grilled Corn

Memorial Weekend is upon us, and in Sheboygan, that means it’s time for family, friends, and fantastic food! Whether you’re firing up the grill for burgers, brats, or our star of the show—roasted corn—this weekend promises to be a flavorful festivity.

Don’t Burn Your Corn: The Secret to Perfectly Roasted Corn

We’ve all seen it: corn on the grill with kernels burnt to a crisp. Don’t do that to your corn! The secret to amazing roasted corn lies in a simple, yet effective, preparation method. Here’s how to do it right.


  • Fresh corn on the cob, husks intact
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Picnic-sized salt shaker


  1. Soak the Corn:
    • Start the day before you plan to grill. Fill a tub with water and add a generous amount of salt. Stir until the salt is dissolved.
    • Place the corn cobs in the tub. They’ll want to float, but you can use a lid to keep them submerged. Let the corn soak for about 12 hours. This will help the husks retain moisture and prevent the kernels from burning.
  2. Prepare the Grill:
    • When you’re ready to grill, get the fire nice and hot. You want a good, even heat to ensure the corn cooks through without burning.
  3. Roast the Corn on the Grill:
    • Place the soaked corn, husks and all, directly on the grill.
    • Turn the cobs as the outer leaves start to dry and blacken. This usually takes about 20-30 minutes, but keep an eye on them and turn them regularly to ensure even cooking.
  4. Check for Doneness:
    • You’ll know the corn is ready when you can smell that wonderful aroma of roasted corn. The husks will be charred, and the kernels will be tender and juicy.
  5. Serve:
    • Peel back the husks carefully (they’ll be hot!) and remove the silk from between the kernels. When you peel back the husks and silk, you can use them as a handle to hold the roasted corn while buttering, salting, and eating.
    • Slather the corn with butter and sprinkle with salt.

Your neighbors will be envious as the irresistible scent of perfectly roasted corn wafts through the air. This method guarantees delicious, juicy kernels every time, making it the perfect addition to your Memorial Weekend cookout.

More Sheboygan Fun

While you’re enjoying your corn, don’t forget to explore all the other fantastic Memorial Weekend activities Sheboygan has to offer. From music and dancing to beach games and fireworks, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Celebrate with loved ones, honor those who have served, and create lasting memories with good food and great company. Here’s to a fantastic Memorial Weekend in Sheboygan—enjoy every bite and every moment!

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