Sheboygan, Wisconsin Bratwurst Capital of the world


What Is A Bratwurst?

A bratwurst is sausage in a thin casing usually composed of veal, pork, or beef.

The name “bratwurst” has a rich history and originates from the Old High German language. The word is comprised of two parts: “Brät-” which refers to the finely chopped meat that is used in the sausage, and “Wurst” which translates to “sausage.”

Sheboygan, Wisconsin has earned the prestigious title of being the Bratwurst Capital of the World due to its strict adherence to traditional practices in preparing and serving bratwurst. In Sheboygan, brats are never grilled but instead are “fried” over direct heat, whether it be in an oven or over a charcoal fire. This cooking method results in a crispy exterior and a juicy interior, making the brat a popular food item in the area.

Bratwurst is not only a staple food in Wisconsin, but it is also an important part of the local culture. It is often served at weekend gatherings, known as “brat frys,” and is a staple food item at social events. The brat is a social food in Wisconsin and is held in high regard by the local community.

When preparing brats, they are first “fried” or “grilled” to perfection, and then dressed on a round Sheboygan hard roll. Adding a second brat to the roll is a common practice, resulting in a “double brat.” The dressed brat is then sprinkled with onion and topped with brown mustard. For those who want to add a little extra flair, a few pickle slices can be added to complete the dish.

The bratwurst has a rich history and is an important part of the culture in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The strict adherence to traditional practices in preparing and serving bratwurst has earned the city the title of the Bratwurst Capital of the World.

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