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City Council Meeting Turns into Snowball Fight: Mayor Calls It ‘Productive Discourse’

diverse friends playing snowball fight in snowy park
Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.com

Sheboygan, WI – In what might be a first for municipal meetings, the Sheboygan City Council’s latest session escalated from heated debate to an all-out snowball fight. The frosty fracas broke out over disagreements on the city’s winter preparedness, but Mayor Pete “Polar Bear” Barnes later praised the event as a form of “productive discourse.”

The meeting, initially set to discuss the city’s snow removal strategies and winter safety protocols, took an unexpected turn when Councilmember Frosty McSnow proposed an emergency measure to stockpile snowballs for “defensive purposes against unscheduled winter weather.” This suggestion was met with chuckles, then disbelief, and finally a full-blown exchange of snowy projectiles.

Eyewitnesses report that the council chamber quickly transformed into a winter battleground, with council members ducking behind desks and lobbing hastily made snowballs at each other. “It was like watching a bunch of kids in suits having the time of their lives,” commented janitor and accidental spectator, Joe Mop.

Mayor Barnes, who was initially taken aback, soon joined in the fray, reportedly landing a well-aimed snowball at Councilmember McSnow. “I haven’t had this much fun since the ‘Great Blizzard Bingo Night’ of ’09,” the mayor later said, brushing snowflakes off his mayoral sash.

Despite the apparent chaos, Mayor Barnes insists that the impromptu snowball fight served a greater purpose. “It was a lesson in team building and stress relief. Plus, we all got a firsthand experience of snow’s impact. I call that a win-win,” he explained with a twinkle in his eye.

As for the original agenda, it remains partially buried under a layer of snow and laughter. The council has rescheduled the meeting, with a new item added to the docket: “The potential establishment of an official City Council Snowball Fight League.”

The citizens of Sheboygan have had mixed reactions. Some applaud the council’s spontaneity and camaraderie, while others question the productivity of their elected officials. Local high school student and aspiring politician, Sarah Scribble, summed it up: “If this is politics, sign me up! I’ve got a mean curveball.”

Whether or not this frosty incident will go down in the annals of Sheboygan’s civic history as a moment of levity or an icy misstep, one thing is clear: this City Council meeting was anything but cold and boring.

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